Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Family in the skyway

Recently, I have been talking to my mentor about when to act when I hear God's leading, and when to act because it is the right thing to do.  I'm a bit of a 'see a need, fill the need' type girl, but after a recent encounter I felt God reminding me that I am not free to put myself in certain situations. When I gave my life to him, that really meant everything and there are times when he will ask me to use extreme wisdom. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord (proverbs something) and I need to make sure that I am checking in with him regarding all situations, especially those that are potentially dangerous.  Caution does not mean stop, it simply means caution.

There are other times that I think we do the good that is in our path.

Yesterday, there was a family of four in my path to my car - literally.  They were camped out in the skyway from the Government Center to the parking garage. They were tired, and worn around the edges.  The dad (I assume) had a sign asking for help, and he greeted passersby’s.  The mom stared determinedly out of the window as she held her sleeping 4 year old on her lap.  She looked like she had given up and refused to engage in any conversation or catch my eye as I talked with her partner.  Their school age daughter colored in her coloring book between them.

So the first thing I did when I saw this family was say hello, and crouch down to their level next to the 'dad' as he was their point of contact. I started to talk with him - 'hi', 'how's it going?'  I tried to start the conversation lightly to see where it will lead.   The 'dad' talked with me about his family and where they were staying, and how some difficulties with their social worker and paper work may see them removed from their housing.  As the dad talked, I became very aware of my $5.00 Target gift card in my wallet.  I had no cash to offer, and I try never to give out money.** I realized this was the good I could do today.  As I listened to the gentleman I prayed and asked God if he would like me to help beyond the gift card.  Was I supposed to help them with resources, work with God to bless them with something spiritual, buy them dinner? 

As I was praying, and the man talking, a woman approached and asked if we were having a conversation.I am very proud of this woman!   There is definitely a learning curve to these things and I think this may have been one of the woman's first 'attempts'.  WAY TO GO LADY! I'm so glad she decided to take a leap and help. If I could have asked for anything more, it would simply have been to have her focus on the family as people dealing with a problem, not as a problem themselves.  We all goof it, and get nervous, and I am so glad this lady stepped out like she did.  I cringe only because she told the family by way of introduction that homelessness is a 'big problem', how she thinks it is so sad.   She sees families all over down town and its just so hard to see. She's telling this to a family that is LIVING in a semi permanent situation begging for money....  However, she had been on her phone previously and she was calling friends to see if she could find resources or places for them to stay!  Apparently, this woman used to work with an organization that helped families find shelter and semi-permanent residence. Prayer: answered.  Yay God!

I quickly became a ‘third wheel’, so I said my goodbyes, left the gift card, and walked to my car…..where I then paid $7 for parking and marveled at how I would spend more money on parking than on helping feed a family with a $5 gift card.  Blarg!  This was my learning experience for the day. All of my choices affect others, directly or indirectly. Now I will have $7.00 less to spend elsewhere, like helping that family buy dinner tonight.

While I am extremely thankful to have had the opportunity to briefly connect with this family, I find myself realizing I need to take a better track.  I can be all sorts of nice, and spiritually bless a person’s day.  I’m a walking ambassador for the kingdom.  But, this wonderful, nervous woman, on her cell phone helped this family much more than I did.  She had the resources to actually bring change.  I don't want to be unprepared for the next 'in my path' or 'on assignment' moment. So I'm rounding up my resources.  I'm volunteering at the next Project Homeless Connect (which is an amazing bi-yearly event!  Check it out here: to gain exposure to more of the organizations that are currently available to help.   I'm also going to really start watching my Ps and Qs when it comes to that small amount I spend for "fun", or because I wake up late and have to drive into work.  I want to be a good steward of what God has given me, and I'm so very aware that most of what I have is supposed to pass through my hands and not stay here with me.

Today, I can't seem to shake the image of the mom holding her exhausted kiddo, staring out of the skyway window. I wish I had more time to get to know them, but I am really thankful for the resources that came their way when they did!  Its not about me.  It’s about them.

**As a side note: I typically don't 'help' with money.  I don't because I do not want to directly fund drug addiction.  People I dearly love have struggled, and still struggle with addiction and I would hate to have strangers enable them. I simply can't let getting the next fix be that easy.  What I will do is give out gift cards, pre-paid bus cards, and give resources and phone numbers to local shelters and safe havens.  I will also give rides to people (providing they aren't scary, and due to my convo with God, when I feel his prompting...). 

I intend these posts to be a glimpse into my learning experience.  So, I welcome questions, comments or resources!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Letter to a Dear Friend

Jessica Ann Johnson,

I write you this letter in the hopes when meet you will see that there hasn't been a year that I haven't thought of you, and asked God for your protection and peace. I saw you on the streets 3 years ago, looking much like that 13 year old girl I met so long ago, flannel shirt tied around your waist, flared jeans and a determined look on your face.   I know that there has been pain since the last time we saw each other, and I am so sorry that life has been so hurtful.

Every time I think of you I pray for you, every.stinking.time. I ask God to reveal his love for you in ways you will see it; and I ask God to open your eyes.  Sometimes belief comes before seeing, so I asked him to help you believe.  And I asked God to break the power of our youth pastor's (J's) words in your life.  When you tentatively gave your heart to Jesus, he took it Jess, with so. much. joy! And NOTHING can separate us from his love.  A scared, hurting, 15 year old girl's half hearted attempt to end her life is NOT the unforgivable sin. God longs to wrap you in his arms and hold you.  And that's what J should have done.  Not set your destination as "hell -  first class".   The Bible says it’s better for huge stone to be tied around someone’s neck and then tossed into the sea than to cause one of God's little ones (you) to sin (or walk away from him).  J is the one in trouble love.  Not you.

I regularly dream that you I meet by chance on some Minnesota street, and I hug you, and you let me.  I dream I come upon some interaction where you are in process of meeting Jesus again, maybe through conversation with friends, or with people out talking to folks on Nicollet Mall, and you see me and I tell you that you have never left my mind. And somehow you see God’s faithfulness.  I would love to be there for that.  But really, I just want you to know his love.

So my friend, I ask God to bless you, and to draw you to Him.  And I will keep asking. 

Until we meet.
