Friday, September 11, 2015

One week in: Learning ALL the things....or not.

Hat's off to my first week "on the job"!! Last week was a beast job transition wise, but so amazing! Here's a peak into what this has looked like for me:

I've had a lot of people ask me what does transition from a 9-5 job look like?  My answer: I have no idea.  I don't feel like I've transition so much as slammed  into a brick wall called "days off". Followed by a few days where I've been trying to clear my head of the impact and get myself together.  To shake off the cobwebs and allow myself to "coast to a stopping point" I reupholstered a couch, re made a room divider, transplanted some plants, wrestled up a new filing system, gave it a makeover and did 8 loads of laundry in 48 hours. Slowing down isn't something that is a natural process for me. But I'm' learning. Cuz it's needed ya'll. Actually learning is probably my theme right now and for the foreseeable future. Here are some of my highlights.

1. I'm not going to get it "right" all the time. With any job, there is a learning curve and grace and humility is needed in large doses.  I've bombed a couple of things already.  And it really stinks, especially as those things can effect others.  But I also have an opportunity to practice self love and acceptance while encouraging myself to grow in new skill sets. Go team me!

2. I get to be a "door opener". Over the last 5 business days, I've had 6 meetings with people and I love it!  Whether we've chatted about life, the opportunity to join a leader cohort in Immerse's Equipping and Training program, or been in the middle of a Prayer Resolution session I find myself looking for doors and inviting others to step through them into new possibilities.  This is so much fun!

3.Structure is my friend, especially in the mornings.  Check out this helpful article here: Business Insider . What I took from this article was the importance of a sustainable and consistent morning routine.  I've also tried to put into practice "no screen time" until I sit down at my computer. #lifeonpurpose.

4. Sabbath Rest and Boundaries are my new love language. It is crucial for me to STOP doing ALL the things.  Seriously.  Stop it for 24 hours.  There are times in life when this isn't possible for me, but it cannot be a lifestyle. I'm learning how to coast into a rhythm that looks manageable and good.  One where I make coffee in the morning and take time to pray for my friends. I took exactly 24 hours off last week and this beautiful rest cozied up and settled in all around me.  I might call it quiet, or 'the peace of God', or both.  It was like a sweet fragrance that infiltrated my day. Now, I catch a whiff of it every morning as I rest, pray, and make my coffee in the morning.

So much learning, but its happening.  Coffee helps.  Rest helps.  And you guys help a ton too. Thanks for all of your text and encouragements this last week.  Excited to see what next week brings!

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